Netiquette tips
Netiquette tips

Underlying this overall concept of socially responsible internet use are a few core pillars, though the details underneath each pillar are still subject to debate.

netiquette tips

Similarly, online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online social environment.īoth phrases are frequently interchanged and are often combined with the concept of a ’netizen’ which itself is a contraction of the words inter net and citi zen and refers to both a person who uses the internet to participate in society, and an individual who has accepted the responsibility of using the internet in productive and socially responsible ways.

netiquette tips

RULE OF THUMB: If you wouldn’t do or say something in real life, don’t do it online either.Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behavior. It only takes a minute, and can make the difference between sounding like a fool and sounding knowledgeable. Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the discussion board.Just let it go – it happens to the best of us. If your classmate makes a mistake, don’t badger him or her for it. Check the most recent comments before you reply to an older comment, since the issue might have already been resolved or opinions may have changed.Before asking a question, check the class FAQs or search the internet to see if the answer is obvious or easy to find.If you refer to something your classmate said earlier in the discussion, quote justa few key lines from their post so that others wont have to go back and figure out which post you’re referring to.You may disagree with their ideas, but don’t mock the person. Don’t badmouth others or call them stupid.If you write a long dissertation in response to a simple question, it’s unlikely that anyone will spend the time to read through it all.

netiquette tips

  • If you ask a question and many people respond, summarize all answers and post that summary to benefit your whole class.
  • If you reply to a question from a classmate, make sure your answer is accurate! If you’re not 100% sure when the paper is due, DO NOT GUESS! Otherwise, you could really mess things up for your classmates and they will not appreciate it.
  • Acknowledge that others are entitled to have their own perspective on the issue. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully and acknowledge the valid points in your classmate’s argument.
  • Respect the opinions of your classmates.
  • Always remember to say “Please” and “Thank you” when soliciting help from your classmates.
  • Don’t write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic, even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you’re joking.
  • Don’t type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you’re screaming.
  • Stay on topic – =on’t post irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, or pictures.
  • Just as you wouldn’t repeat a topic of discussion right after it happened in real life, don’t do that in discussion boards either.
  • Before posting your question to a discussion board, check if anyone has asked it already and received a reply.
  • Netiquette Infographic created by Touro Collegeʻs Online Education Department Note: this infographic refers to "discussion boards," however, these netiquette rules should apply to all online communications. ( skip to a text version of the 15 rules of Netiquette). Follow these 15 rules of netiquette to make sure you sound respectful, polite, and knowledgeable when you post to your classʻs online discussion boards. "Netiquette" refers to rules of etiquette that apply to online communication. Netiquette_Infographic.html 15 Rules of Netiquette for Online Discussion Boards

    Netiquette tips